Exquisite Health

With the Option of Wealth

Starting With YOU!

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted,
 wealth is useless, and reason is powerless"
Herophillies, Ancient Greek Philosopher-Scientist


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Go Natural Vs. Unnatural



The Ontario Dairy Council shared in funding a study showing that the anti-cancer properties of green tea can remain bioavailable when extracted and placed in a milk medium. The Dairy Council is looking to enhance profits with a value-added substance.

Which leads one to ask, Why not just drink green tea? Even better,
stop pasteurizing and homogenizing milk; stop adding hormones and antibiotics to the cow’s diet and reap the benefits of a truly probiotic superfood: organic raw milk.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the major extractable polyphenol in green tea and the most biologically active, inhibits tumor formation, reduces cancer cell proliferation, increases normal cell death, and suppresses the formation of new blood vessels feeding tumors, the study reported.

EGCG has numerous medicinal applications on top of those mentioned in the study. GreenMedInfo lists over 100 other studies on EGCG benefits, including:

There are dozens of other benefits to green tea, so it’s not surprising science is looking for ways to extract EGCG.

But to put it in milk?

"These results support a new role for milk as an ideal platform for delivery of bioactive compounds and opens the door to a new generation of dairy products providing additional benefits to human health," say the study's authors Sanaz Haratifar and Milena Corredig, of the Department of Food Science and Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences of the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

For several decades, dairy producers have added Vitamin D to milk, an important nutrient connected to physical and mental health that also helps with uptake of other minerals and nutrients. It’s most often extracted from the lanolin in sheep’s wool. Given the growing abundance of artificial clouds, most of us are Vitamin D-deficient, so adding it to commercial milk may not be such a bad thing.

Adding fluoride to water, though, takes us into an entirely different realm for a number of reasons. First, the slurry added is agricultural waste which is toxic, as the label on this bag revealed, to “heart, kidneys, bones, central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, teeth.” Those bags were found at a city water plant, as that video reveals. 

More:  "The Fluoride Deception"

In 2010, over 2,000 professionals called for an end to fluoridated water. Coincident with the publication of The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There, the group also published this 30-minute video highlighting the main points against fluoridation.

Significant to water fluoridation, medicinal genetically modified foods (like blood rice) and adulterating our foods with medicine is the idea that mass drugging a population violates medical ethics since it lacks informed consent. Modern pharmacology recognizes that individuals react differently to the same dosage of a given drug.

Pharmacologist Phyllis Mullenix concurs. “The whole name of the game is to deliver the right dose to the right person at the right time.”

Once a food is grown, engineered, or genetically altered to treat disease, it’s no longer just food. It’s medicine – and not the kind we evolved with, because it’s concentrated and synthetic and often has as-yet unknown deleterious side effects.

Attorney Greg Glaser wrote a constitutional analysis for the Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research, discussing
forced vaccinations. He recognized that the issue cannot be so narrowly limited, as numerous examples of “many kinds of forced contamination are already being implemented,” stating:

And yet the evidence is overwhelming – over many generations elitists have been working covertly within select government agencies, multinational corporations and faux-humanitarian organizations toward the goals of drastic population reduction. [14] In particular, independent media has found overwhelming evidence of corruption/crime in chemical spraying,[15] depleted uranium,[16] food contamination,[17] and public water contamination.[18]

He concludes that while these activities may be “legal” in that power-holders wrote laws to allow such mass contaminations, they are neither lawful nor just.

Medicating our food for nefarious motives or for mere value-added profit is symptomatic of a bent society lacking in community values. The more that Big Food seeks to enhance profits, the scarier their products get.

Best to get your dairy on the farm, get to know your farmers, and
opt out of the industrial food, [water and the unnatural medicinal] system.

—Article by Rady Ananda, "Big Dairy Wants to Medicate our Milk"


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