Exquisite Health

With the Option of Wealth

Starting With YOU!

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted,
 wealth is useless, and reason is powerless"
Herophillies, Ancient Greek Philosopher-Scientist


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Mineral Deficiency:  Linked to Every Disease and Sickness


Mineral depletion over the last century or so has been terrible, which in turn has effected the natural mineral levels in our soils, and therefore natural mineral levels in the food that we consume. Over recent decades, this problem has only gotten worse, as we continue to strip the soil around the world of up to 80 trace minerals that are essential for optimum health.

As it turns out, every ailment or sickness that you experience is due to a mineral deficiency. Therefore, if you have sufficient levels of all of your minerals, you are the closest you will ever get to “perfect health.”

“You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

– Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner

“The lack of minerals is the root of all disease.

– Dr. Gary Price Todd

How Important is Mineral Consumption?

With these vital minerals being the most basic of building blocks for proper health and nutrition, the above statements can hardly be considered exaggerations. To put it plainly, in a world with no minerals, nothing works. Enzymes and amino acids won’t work, therefore nutrients and vitamins can’t be broken down and absorbed. The world population would have major deficiencies in both minerals and vitamins. The final result would be a disease-stricken world full of poor health, where nothing biologically really works as it should… a world we are quickly making a reality.

“In the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function. Lacking vitamins, the system can make use of the minerals, but 
lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.

– Dr. Charles Northern, researcher and MD

Nature works in a way that is best described as “everything returns to the Earth.” Root systems of trees will pull minerals from deep in the soil, die, and then decompose. This process returns these minerals to the soil, but at a much higher depth that animals and even humans can benefit from. Animals that consume these minerals will also die, decompose, and be returned to the soil. On a similar level, human and animal waste matter is also returned to the soil.

In our modern and present-day world, humans have disrupted this natural “circle of life”, lowering mineral replenishment by removing most waste and dead animals, clear-cutting trees and forests to make land for crops, and over-farming virtually all soils without allowing nature the time for micro-organisms to convert any remaining minerals into a usable form for plants. As a result of the addition of petro-chemical fertilizers, today we really only return nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the soil, which might bring lush growth, but growth that is lacking nutrients on a major level.

“The alarming fact is that fruits, vegetables and grain now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us-no matter how much of them we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn’t big enough to hold them.”

– Senate Document 264 regarding mineral deficiencies affecting U.S. farmland, (issued in 1936)

Minerals & Nutrition: Those Were the Days

We’ve applied herbicides and pesticides that actually kill off vital micro-organisms, that are responsible for converting remaining minerals into usable forms for plants, which as a result, effects animal and human mineral consumption.

As a result of extended use of “maximum yield” farming methods and fertilizers, North American soil content has had an average of 85% mineral depletion spanning over the last 100 years, making it the most depleted of any continent on Earth.

Just to offer an example, spinach we eat today contains maybe 15% of the nutrition that the same spinach would have contained 60 years ago. In the end, our society today is that much more unhealthy, and it’s obvious everywhere that you look.

Body Trying to Tell Me Something?

Obesity is another major area where mineral deficiency shows its ugly face, in addition to poor immune system support and poor overall health. In the same way that cats and dogs eat grass when they know by instinct that they are either deficient in minerals and vitamins, or need a little extra to combat an illness or infection — it is believed that the human body sends similar instinctive signals that it is missing vital minerals and nutrients. However, it seems that we no longer recognize what it is our bodies are telling us and where to find what we need to silence these signals.

The confusion over some of these signals often leads to cravings, which results in eating and eating to satisfy them, but what our bodies really crave is the missing minerals and nutrition. Rather than turn to a healthy way to furnish minerals, [through cellular support], we continue with the S.A.D. diet (Standard American Diet), which include nuked meals, junk food, sweets, fast foods, etc. A lot of us can relate to the familiar scenario of eating to the point of nearly getting sick, yet still feeling hungry for “something”. That something is most likely missing minerals.


Think of all of the money you have ever spent on “healthy products” over the years trying to better yourself. If you are eating well, dieting, popping vitamins, or working out every day in pursuit of “perfect health,” your attempts will fall short without the help of natural minerals as a part of your diet. You won’t understand until you experience sufficient mineral levels for yourself.

The depletion of these minerals throughout the world has made it extremely difficult to maintain sufficient levels of the minerals that your body requires. Consider a natural & organic mineral supplement to maintain these levels. The amount of money you will spend on fruits and vegetables alone trying to acquire the same minerals will be astronomical.

See also: 

America Leads the World in Micro-Nutrient Depleted Soil!


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