Exquisite Health
With the Option of Wealth
Starting With YOU!
"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become
manifest, strength cannot be exerted,
wealth is useless, and reason is
powerless" –
Herophillies, Ancient Greek
Live Strong for Life
The Shariah Way
"There Must be No Harm, or Harming"
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam
It is Specifically Forbidden to Take a Vaccine.
Here's why:
Shariah on Vaccines
Documentation of Harm
[from the above, "Shariah on Vaccines" site]
Declarations from Other Ulema
"Infection by Injection"
All Vaccines
All Vaccines are Poison
and Unnecessary"
Dr Judy Mikovitz
Vaccine Science and Myth
The Real Purpose of Vaccines
You Better Believe It!
Look Out for Your Children!
The Gaza Children and the Polio "Vaccine"
"Vaccines contain Haraam constituents such as pig gelatin,
monkey kidney cells, and horse blood..."
“Do not kill yourselves, indeed God is the Most
Merciful upon you.” (Qurʾan:
It is clear now, with the
Shariah, and all the research
that has been available, you have:
*Harmed Your
Body -- by destroying its natural ability to repair
itself, and its natural immunity to ward off disease;
* Harmed Your Life by making yourself open to all kinds of diseases
and infections, and also shortened it to where you can now
unexpectedly "drop dead" even at a young age
*Harmed Your Family; if you are a provider of their food, clothing, shelter
and education, means no longer being able to be a provider for
for them in any way because you have --
*Shortened your Life; and in some future time,
*Become a Burden on Them because you now have a
--debilitating or life-threatening disease--
“Do not throw yourselves into destruction with your own
hands. Do good, for God certainly loves those
who do good.” (Qurʾan: 2:195)
Turn Your Life Around NOW
Live Strong for Life the
Shariah Way
Testimony of Mr. Abdulhussein Sari,
Community Member of Al Mustafa Center,
1613 Miriam Ave, Garner NC
I was always feeling tired, had low energy, and had been
experiencing brain fog and the inability to use my mind and
brain to any productive extent. I was buying vitamins and
anything else I could find in the supplement section of
supermarkets and health food stores that could help boost my
health and well being. I found though, nothing was making any
real difference that could change how I would feel and function
each day.
It all changed when I was introduced to the USANA line of
nutritional supplements by a friend. When I began taking them,
it was only TWO WEEKS when I FELT a definite improvement in my
ability to function well! I felt less tired all the time
and my energy had improved to where I could accomplish a lot
more. My brain fog lifted and my mental clarity improved. I
was also accomplishing course work to the level that was 12
months ahead of my colleagues. On top of it all I also
sleep well.
I highly recommend these nutritional supplements to turn around
the damage that the vaccines, and any other pollution in the
environment has done (and is doing). It removes the filth
and toxins out of our body, cleanses it, and at the same time,
starts improving and building it back to be the best that it can
be the way Allah had designed it for us. God is merciful and
all-loving to all His Creation. |
WHY the USANA Supplements Work So Well
that Even Olympic Athletes Take Them
Scientifically Created, Formulated
and Developed
by Dr Myron Wentz, Ph.Ds in Microbiology
and Immunology and Pioneer in Cell-Culture Technology
*The USANA Vitamins
and Minerals are the Top-of-the Line
of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements that Even
Olympic Athletes Use Them to Give
Them the Edge;
Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Are Made
with the Right Ingredients, the Right Amounts,
the Right Balance, the Right Forms, and
the Right Quality High Standard
*They are Pharmaceutical Grade Giving the Potency
You Need to Feel the Difference in your
Health and Energy Level;
Your Food:
USANA Fomulas Are Able to Offset the Malnutrition We
Are All Experiencing in the World through the
Polluted, Damaged and Depleted Soils
that Our Food is Grown In
Where Food no Longer Gives Us all The Nutrients
We Need to Stay Well and Healthy
for a Lifetime;
See here:
Note: Vitamins Do Not Work without Minerals
And that is Why You Are Missing a Highly Important
Vitamin for Your Body:
The Importance of Vitamin D
When Your Body is Missing All the Vital Nutrients to
it Running and Healthy at Its Optimal Level, it will
Start to Break Down Causing you to
Experience Debilitating
Diseases Like:
Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes,
Osteoporosis Arthritis, and Obesity
USANA Nutritional Supplements Deliver Vitamins and Minerals
Directly into the Cells Themselves--
[Instead of Going into Your Stomach and Out into Your
Urine and Down theToilet as what happens
with ALL other supplements]
USANA Scientific Formula High Grade Quality Nutritional
Supplements is Why You Feel the Difference
to Your Energy Level and General
Well Being in a Short Amount
of Time!
Let's Do Good, for OURSELVES,
and Then LIVE FREE!
The Shariah Way
[Complement and Supercharge All Your
with a Daily Tablespoon or Two of Organic
Whole Kernel Virgin Coconut
Oil as
Most Healthiest Oil for
Ingesting and Cooking!]
$310 / Month
(free shipping)
Volume Points: 206
The Shariah Way Network
What is Life without Your Health?
And When you Have Health -- Start to Live Free with Wealth
Total Package of Nutritional Supplements
to Remove the Haraam Filth of the
Vaccines from Your
as It Includes on Top of All That
All the Environmental Pollutions and
Toxins that Bombard Us on
a Daily Basis
While at the Same Time, the Nutritional
Supplements will Start Cleansing,
and Building
Back Your
as a Way of Life and Healthy Lifestyle
AND Turn Away and AVOID Debilitating Diseases
Like Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke
Diabetes, Osteoporosis,
Arthritis, and Obesity
$310 / Month
USANA Volume Points: 206
You are Now Qualified to Earn Commission Checks
Each Month that will Build to a Passive
Income of $8,000+ per month
Coming Straight into Your Mailbox!
All Muslims who Want to Feel Better, Have a Lot
More Energy and Health PLUS the Wealth to
Retire Early and Do Good Things
with Their Life
To Pull Each Other Up
1. Make the Commitment of $310 per month;
2. With that Commitment, You Automatically Qualify
as a Business Associate of USANA
3. Grow the SHARIAH Way Network Community
with Each Other, TOGETHER!
A True Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood
Mothers, Daughters, Wives, Widows,
also Welcomed to Join or Assist
to Lift the Family Up
Health Plus Wealth is the Answer to Your Life!
Join to Change Your Whole Life
Pleases email
as Mr. Abdulhussein Sari will help you join.
Islamic Centers North America and Canada
See here